Life is Beautiful 366.


Life is Beautiful 366.

Thursday evening Ram returned from the office.He was recollecting the invitation by Kathambari for tomorrow’s lunch programme with his Beautiful Vasanthy .By that time he received a call from Vasanthy
Hello Ram,I am Vasanthy here
Ram.Just now i was thinking about you and lunch programme
Vasanthy.There is a Sudden development Prasanna’s  mother was admitted in the hospital and he left to India just now.So i am unable to invite you for tomorrow’s lunch as planned by me.I am longing to meet you.
Ram.No Problem,lunch we will have some time. Prasanna’s Mother should recover and come home soon is my prayer.I too longing to see you.
Vasanthy.I know.Our friendship and love is true and eternal.Need not worry for meeting frequently.Time will solve and we will unite together.I have already expressed every thing in my earlier letters to you.
Ram .Yes,i know.Time will solve every thing.He did n’t tell that he has nor read those letters.
Vasanthy.I love you Ram,Still i believe our love is as fresh as when we met first.
Ram.I can not for get the movie SumaiThangi which we saw in Bengaluru.
Vasanthy.Only the film was ended with tragic end not our love
Ram.True,No one can break our love and affection.
Vasanthy.O.K.Ram take care see you soon.Bye now
After her call Ram was thinking what ever we plan that won’t happen.Already it has written by the god is true.Human beings are only instrument and god only doing every thing.
After taking night dinner Ram went to hall started watching T.V.
(To be continued)
See You Next Week,

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